Presenter: Dr. Susanne Muehlschlegel
Biography: Dr. Muehlschlegel is a Professor of Neurology, Anesthesiology and Surgery at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, MA. She is Director of Neurocritical Care Research at UMASS with a research program in Shared Decision Making and neuroprognostication in severe acute brain injury, in particular traumatic brain injury and stroke. Her clinical research lab focuses on designing and testing shared decision making interventions in critically ill neurologic patients as well as understanding and improving the way doctors communicate with and prognosticate to families. She is the co-chair of a large international guideline on “Neuroprognostication”, a joint guideline between the Neurocritical Care Society, and the German Society for Neuro-Intensive Care Medicine (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurointensivmedizin). She leads the NIH “Curing Coma” Common Data Elements working subgroup “Goals of Care Decisions / Family Data” with national and international group members.